Artist Uprising
April 10, 2017
“Little did she know, this captivation would carry her around the world”

“She continued her studies at Penland School of Crafts, the oldest craft school in the country, located in North Carolina’s Appalachian Mountains. This lead to working for two years at Chihuly Inc. in Washington, directed by the great artist Dale Chihuly, as a glassblower and production manager.”

“She was then offered a position at Corning Museum of Glass where Ray traveled the world on a cruise ship, blowing glass in front of crowds of people. She sailed all over the Baltic, Mediterranean, and Caribbean.”

” ‘My passion is to share this creative process with the community.’ And share she does. Her studio facilitates public shows, private parties, and lessons, as well as a program called Art Reaching Out (ARO). ARO is aimed at working with females and at-risk student groups.”

” ‘Glass is a mesmerizing and captivating material which can easily transport anyone from their current life position into a world of wonderment and imagination – a place where anything is possible. It is this world of creativity that I love sharing with others.’ “
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