Artists vs. Architects – 2014

December 8, 2014

Big Thought will use these donations towards helping at-risk kids, after-school programs, and the community grow through imagination, creative learning, and opportunities. Through integrating life skills, this program provides a foundation to rise towards success.

Video provided by Turk Studio.

Big Thought is an amazing non-profit organization, which gives back love, support, learning experiences through various educational, artistic, and experiential activities.

Carlyn Ray and Emily Teng Yan were paired up for the Artist vs Architect show at One Arts Plaza. There were 12 artists and 12 architects chosen by an elite panel. Each participant enters at least one art piece and then makes a collaborative piece with the paired up partner. All pieces are auctioned off to benefit the chosen charity, this year being Big Thought.  The pieces made by Carlyn Ray and collaborative with Emily Teng Yan went and are going to exciting places! Upon initially meeting, Carlyn asked Emily’s thought on having their piece follow the nature of her program ARO: Art Reaching Out and sharing this opportunity with at-risk kids. Emily was excited about the idea and Carlyn connected with Big Thought and set up the collaborative program.

In the image below, Carlyn Ray and the students are pointing to the collaborative piece she made with Emily Teng Yan and with the middle schoolers at Medrano Middle School. This was made possible through Big Thought’s Thriving Minds program combined with Art Reaching Out.


“Horizons” will be installed around April into a beautiful ranch home. Top Dallas designer Mary Anne Smiley bought this fabulous piece with her client’s excitement and permission, for her client’s beautiful ranch home.

The white weaving, Carlyn Ray’s solo piece, stayed at One Arts Plaza, but moved up to the penthouse to the Borroughs’ residence! It was so perfect, it seemed as if the piece were commissioned for the space!


It is always so exciting to see pieces in their designated homes. People often ask me if it is hard to part with a piece that I create.

I love the joy my creations bring to others and the energy it gives to those spaces. The joy is in giving the gift of creation and sharing that with others.

These pieces share this creative opportunity with the children through the process of making the collaborative piece and also helped contribute to the future of programs like this one by supporting Big Thought.