About the Project
The Hanna branch is the forever blooming branch hanging in their master bedroom for them to enjoy every morning and evening as they awake and go to bed celebrating their day. Working with designer Amy Anderson of Design Perspectives, Carlyn creates the colors to match the bedspread, rug, pillows and various paintings. The Hanna family works with the CRD team and creates some flowers and a leaf during a private visit to the studio. As Carlyn and team create the rest of the leaves and blossoms, Humberto DeGarrio creates the metal branch to match Carlyn’s sketch and to fit with the glass pieces. With a downlight shining down, the colorful shadows from the blossoms and the leaves are incredible. The Hannas wake up with a smile every morning and call it their family branch!
While creating the branch, the Hanna’s decided they wanted ribbons in their dining room. We combined the colors of their drapery and the old-world feel of the décor into these custom ribbons giving life and color to the space.