Fletcher Farley

October 12, 2017

The “Rippling Colors” ribbon project was fun from start to finish.  The glass adds pops of color, movement, and magical shadows to the reception area. 

As we do normally, Carlyn created the design first on-site.  At the law firm of Fletcher Farley, she taped white paper to the wall and started the design.  The template came back to the studio for us to add glass pieces in the colors which Doug had pre-approved.  Glass always looks different on the wall and mixed in with other hues. 

We invited Doug and Colleen to come to the studio and see the piece in person before it was transferred onto their wall.  We made a few changes and then installed their piece which fits perfectly in the space.  

Happy with the “Rippling Colors” ribbon installation, Doug Fletcher asked if we could do a lit wall piece on the adjacent wall.  He really loved the look of the LED fusion wall pieces. 

With the downlights shining on the “Lagoon” Fusion panels, they sparkle as the lights reflect off of the glass.

Then with a medium brightness, the piece looks like it is glowing.  There is a lot of depth to areas and the overhang of the glass creates caverns and spaces within the piece.

When the light is on full, Mr. Fletcher’s favorite setting, the pieces really pop on the wall and are striking to those entering the law office.

Truly unique pieces for a wonderful law firm; it was a joy to create with them.