Hanna Branch
February 12, 2018
Amy Anderson of Design Perspectives had worked with the Hanna’s over several months to transform their master suite with new hardwoods, wall color, bedding, upholstery, draperies and a royal blue and gold hand-knotted area rug. A large empty wall immediately across from the king-size bed yearned for art. With a large oil-painting already on another wall in the same room, Amy recommended another form of art, specifically one of Carlyn’s glass weavings.

When Amy brought Mrs. Hanna to the studio to brainstorm custom color selections, she fell in love with Carlyn’s blossoms and knew that she want flowers to be incorporated into her master bedroom art piece. With the goal of having the blossoms combine into “one large work”, Carlyn’s team designed a custom-welded, gold-rubbed iron branch to connect the individual blossoms and textured leaves that the Hanna family members were involved in creating.

Mrs. Hanna was very pleased with the install. Carlyn suggested that a spotlight would really illuminate this piece and create great reflections on the wall beneath. Mrs. Hanna was excited with the idea and soon the custom lighting was added. The Hanna family is truly happy and with our help, they made their own family branch.